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Hongzhi You (游宏志)
Associate Professor (副教授)
Neuromorphic Sensing and Computing, Computational Neuroscience
Center for Visual Cognition and Brain-Inspired Computation
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC)
No.4, Section 2, North Jianshe Road, Chengdu 610054, China.
Email:hongzhi-you [AT]
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About Me
I am an associate professor at the MOE Key Lab for Neuroinformation, School of Life Science and Technology, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC). I received my Ph.D. degree in Systems Theory from Beijing Normal University in 2014 under the supervision of Prof. Da-Hui Wang. From September 2011 to August 2013, I was a visiting student in the Institute of Neuroinformatics (INI), the University of Zurich in Switzerland under the supervision of Prof. Giacomo Indiveri.
Research Interests
- Event-driven information processing for dynamic vision sensor (event camera), such as optical flow and depth estimation;
- Perception and cognitive reasoning based on the neuro-vector symbolic architecture;
- Neuromorphic engineering based on FPGA;
- Dynamical mechanism of decision making and working memory.
- Xu, Yunlong, Lingxiao Yang, Hongzhi You, Zonglei Zhen, Da-Hui Wang, Xiaohong Wan, Xiaohua Xie, and Ru-Yuan Zhang. "RuleMatch: matching abstract rules for semi-supervised learning of human standard intelligence tests." In Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 1613-1621. 2023.
- Yang, Lingxiao, Hongzhi You, Zonglei Zhen, Dahui Wang, Xiaohong Wan, Xiaohua Xie, and Ru-Yuan Zhang. "Neural prediction errors enable analogical visual reasoning in human standard intelligence tests." In International Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 39572-39583. PMLR, 2023.
- Zhao, Shukuo, Hongzhi You, Ru-Yuan Zhang, Bailu Si, Zonglei Zhen, Xiaohong Wan, and Da-Hui Wang. "An Interpretable Neuro-symbolic Model for Raven’s Progressive Matrices Reasoning." Cognitive Computation (2023): 1-22.
- Yin, Aihua, Weiwen Lu, Sidong Wang, Hongzhi You, Ruyuan Zhang, Dahui Wang, Zonglei Zhen, and Xiaohong Wan. "Visual Perception Inference on Raven’s Progressive Matrices by Semi-supervised Contrastive Learning." In CAAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 399-412. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2022.
- You, Hongzhi, and Kunpeng Zhao. "Neuromorphic Implementation of a Continuous Attractor Neural Network With Various Synaptic Dynamics." IEEE Access 9: 109224-109240, Jul. 2021.
- You, Hongzhi, Mengya Zhang, and Da-Hui Wang. "Neural mechanism underlying risk attitude and probability distortion: One two-stage model of valuation and choice." Neurocomputing 375: 32-42, Jan. 2020.
- You, Hongzhi. "Dynamic Systems Approach to Improve the Design of a Phenomenological Analog Neuron Circuit." In 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp. 1-5. IEEE, May. 2019.
- You, Hongzhi, and Da-Hui Wang. "Neuromorphic implementation of attractor dynamics in a two-variable winner-take-all circuit with nmdars: A simulation study." Frontiers in neuroscience 11: 40, Feb. 2017.
- You, Hongzhi, and Dahui Wang. "Neuromorphic implementation of attractor dynamics in decision circuit with nmdars." In 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp. 369-372. IEEE, May. 2016.
- Corradi, Federico, Hongzhi You, Massimiliano Giulioni, and Giacomo Indiveri. "Decision making and perceptual bistability in spike-based neuromorphic VLSI systems." In 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp. 2708-2711. IEEE, May. 2015.
- You, Hongzhi, and Da-Hui Wang. "Dynamics of multiple-choice decision making." Neural computation 25, no. 8: 2108-2145, Aug. 2013.
- Standage, Dominic, Hongzhi You, Da-Hui Wang, and Michael C. Dorris. "Trading speed and accuracy by coding time: a coupled-circuit cortical model." PLoS Computational Biology 9, 4: e1003021, Apr. 2013.
- You, Hongzhi, Yan Meng, Di Huan, and Da-Hui Wang. "The neural dynamics for hysteresis in visual perception." Neurocomputing 74, no. 17: 3502-3508, Oct. 2011.
- Standage, Dominic, Hongzhi You, Dahui Wang, and Michael C. Dorris. "Gain modulation by an urgency signal controls the speed–accuracy trade-off in a network model of a cortical decision circuit." Frontiers in computational neuroscience 5: 7, Feb. 2011.